



  ホー  キリスト  聖書の間違い  来訪者の声 

From Hiromichi Yamamoto



Thank you for your reply. However, I was disappointed with your reply.

(1) It does not require intelligence to recognize errors in the bible.

You do not understand my point I wanted to say. I wrote before that many people, the so-called intelligent, tried to find the truth in philosophy of the bible. Or did you write it, displacing the point, on purpose? On the other hand, you are getting the point in the last of the paragraph.

This, something extraordinary, you call "faith" and I call "pretense".

That is exactly right. I agree with your recognition.

In (2), they actually do not know but only believe.

Yes, you are right, because nobody can prove it. Of course, you cannot, either. All we can do is believe it or not. You refuse to believe it. However, if you want to be in contact with God, you "have to" believe it. If you are a non-believer, you will never touch with God.

[S]oon or later, you will realize that Christians are as bad as non-Christians, and non-Christians are as good as Christians.

I do not expect people to be good or bad. I am going to try to make a personal relationship with God. Since God's will is that believers become holy, and live in peace, I am going to try to follow the will.

Finally, if you feel freedom without being a Christian, that is fine. However, I do not understand why you are still seeking the truth, even after you became a non-believer. Probably you think that the truth is a kind of philosophy. Otherwise, you are wasting the time. So, you have to go back the first point I talked about. Anyway, good luck. Bye now.

To Hiromichi Yamamoto


(1) It does not require any special intelligence to recognize errors in the bible

You do not understand my point I wanted to say. I wrote before that many people, the so-called intelligent, tried to find the truth in philosophy of the bible.

I think I understand your point. That's why I responded with saying that no special intelligence, philosophical or otherwise, is required to recognize errors in the bible: all you need is to be ordinary. And you agree with me in that

it requires something extraordinary for believers to say they do not see errors [in the bible] when they in fact see them face to face. This, something extraordinary, you call "faith" and I call "pretense".

To find errors in the bible, as you see in many examples, is simple and ordinary, requiring nothing special; to "find" no errors in the bible, on the other hand, is extraordinary, requiring something special called "faith" because you have to say you do not see them even when you are shown them in front of your eyes.

(2) Faith in faith

If what you are saying is ordinary, no explanation is necessary because we all understand them. If what you are saying is extraordinary, then you are obligated to explan it so that we all can understand. So let us try to understand this extraordinary thing -- your faith.

Yes, you are right, because nobody can prove it. Of course, you cannot, either. All we can do is believe it or not. You refuse to believe it. However, if you want to be in contact with God, you "have to" believe it. If you are a non-believer, you will never touch with God.

Now let me ask you. How do you know that? How did you come to know that "to be in contact with God, you have to believe it"? How did you come to know that "[i]f you are a non-believer, you will never touch with God"? Is this also a faith -- a faith in faith? You actually do not know that faith is required to know god, but somehow you came to have a faith that faith is required. Do I understand you correctly? What then is your base for this faith in faith? A faith in faith in faith...?

(3) Faith is an idol worship.

Since God's will is that believers become holy, and live in peace, I am going to try to follow the will.

You admit that you don't know God, yet you pretend as if you know what "the will of God" is. If you do not know the person (or god) then "the will" you are talking about cannot be his will but only your imagination about his will. If you do not know God, you are not worshiping him but an image that you have carved in your mind. Faith is necessarily an idol worship.

(4) What makes your faith so special?

I am going to try to make a personal relationship with God.

I was once a believer. In fact I was a believer for many years. Not only my belief did not result in what you call "touch with God", I have never seen any Christian who actually was in "touch with God". What makes your faith so special? I can hardly believe your faith is so special that you alone can be in touch with God while all others have failed. But I wish you a good luck. Let me know when you make "a personal relationship with God." That will be a great historical event indeed.

You are oversimplifying something that requires more delicate attention. Not believing is not necessarily same as denying. I find myself not believing in any god simply because I do not know anything about it. But I do not deny him either precisely for the same reason that I do not know anything about it. If I do not know, then I can neither affirm (believe) nor deny. Because I do not believe (i.e., do not create any image of god in my mind), I am open to real God, or any possible truth.

(6) Truth-seeker and Believer

I do not understand why you are still seeking the truth, even after you became a non-believer.

It is precisely because I became a non-believer that I was able to become a truth-seeker. Or perhaps, because I did not giveup being a truth-seeker that I was eventually able to become a non-believer. You cannot be both a believer and a truth-seeker. If you are a believer you cannot be a truth-seeker at the same time. As clear in the case of Biblical errancy, belivers have to look away from the fact that there are errors in the Bible. Belivers believe that Bible is true not because they found that it is true but only because it promises his salvation. Believer is not a truth-seeker; he seeks for personal gains (a promise of salvation that is soothing to him) ; he does not seek for truths (that can well be painful to him).


  ホー  キリスト  聖書の間違い  来訪者の声 
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